Monday 11 June 2012

Our first view of London

Chris & I arrived at Gatwick at about 7.30am on Saturday 9th of June, after travelling for about 34 hours (yawn!!!).   We took the train (more traveling) to Victoria station & then walked to our cute little hotel in Pimlico. 

Lesson No 1. dont accept the only room available at the time, as it will be on the top floor (in our case, the 4th floor - no lift), regardless of how desperate you are for a shower.  Wait for your intended room to be cleaned. Suffice to say, both Chris & I have improved our fitness going up & down 4 flights of stairs, and walking around London, endlessly.
Our hotel was very close to Buckingham Palace, but we couldn't see it thanks to all the scaffolding/seating etc still up for the Queen's jubilee.  You can see it in the background of this picture.  There are lots of tourist tinkets to buys, if you like kitch with the Queen's mug on them.

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