Thursday 28 June 2012

Sheffield - 28 - 29 June

As I have had a bit of time to kill this afternoon due to rain, I have spent some time editing and posting photos on previous posts - so have another look if you are interested.

We arrived in Sheffield after 12 midday, and it was pissing down.  We are here to see Matt's play, Wake in Fright, tonight.  I'll take some pics etc and hopefully will get a review that I can post on here as well.  It will be interesting to see what they say about a very antipodian themed play, as Matt says that he is not that impressed with the standard of the British efforts he has seen so far.

Not seen much of Sheffield as yet.  Our hotel (much better than the last effort) is right in the theatre district and shops etc, which is handy when seeing a play.

The cast - Friday night's performance of Wakke in Fright - Sheffield University Theatre Festival
The performance was great (that's Matt in the large check shirt on the right).

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