Wednesday 13 June 2012

Edinburgh - 13th June

Yesterday we didn't do a lot.  Spent the morning just deciding the next few days itinerary, booking train tickets and accom as we wanted to take advantage of the internet in the hotel.  Can't believe how long it took (internet connection is really slow in these apartments).  Anyway, we finally got outside and got some lunch. Note size of Chris' beer battered fish (a bit deceptive as the plate is also really large).

The Cafe was really cute and the pics don't do it justice.

We then went to the National Portrait Gallery (conveniently just across the road from the hotel), which was better than it sounds. 

Just round the corner from our hotel.

The portrait gallery is very beautiful from the inside.

The portrait gallery is also very beautiful from the outside.

There is lots of scaffolding and road works around Edinburgh as they are putting in  tram tracks.

This is all we saw of Edinburgh Castle.  Kind of glad we missed it as the torch relay went through there yesterday. We may get a chance this morning (we are getting the train to Aberdeen so maybe not).  

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