Wednesday 20 June 2012

Skye 17 – 19 June

We arrived in Kyle of Localsh in the early afternoon, sun was shining, which was a bonus and got our car.  We went to a long drive along coast of Skye, very eery as it was drizzly, cloudy and the mountains were high and bearing down on us (or that’s how it felt to me).  We stopped in the town of Portree, very pretty with an old graveyard, fishing harbour etc.  Unfortunately i can't find  the photos of Portree.

Harbour in Portree, Isle of Skye

church graveyard, Portree, Isle of Skye

Portree, Isle of Skye

Portree, Isle of Skye

Portree, Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye

Isle of Skye
The next day we took the car around the island, saw a Crofter’s hut museum and took a few pics on the way. It is a very beautiful island. Weather has been kind, about 15 degrees, sun shining most of the time. 

crofter's cottage museum

crofter's cottage museum

crofter's cottage museum

crofter's cottage museum
We went to a great restaurant last night and had our first taste of haggis.  Pork with stuffed haggis for me and Scottish steak on a bed of haggis for Chris.  It was quite nice, like a meat loaf taste we thought.

We are staying at a nice little B&B, The White Heather hotel (AKA, the Anal Retentive Hotel) run by a very nice lady, but somewhat of a control freak.  One gets the idea that one is a bit of an inconvenience to the smooth running of said hotel.  The info book provided in each room is a big as  James Joyce’s ‘Ulysses’, and just about as readable. It has some interesting ‘rules’ etc, which I will elaborate on at a later date (that is when we are safely out of here). 

view from the front our b&b - on the harbour
view from the front our b&b - on the harbour

view from the front our b&b - on the harbour

We have now left Skye so I will fill you in on the ‘hotel’, so here goes. Firstly, one must complete a menu card and put it on room doorhandle by 10pm. Using a texta on the reusable plastic menu card, one must select from continental selection, croissant OR plain bagel OR cinnamon bagel. From full Scottish menu, one has choice of fried egg OR poached egg OR scrambled egg OR sausage + beans + tomato. One must select a time for breakfast sitting, 7.30, 7.45, 8.00, 8.15. The when one gets to the dining room for breakfast, one must sit at the table which has one’s room number on it. A computer is provided, but the room is locked, so we just connected our own computer to the hotel’s internet. Most of the hotels have their own internet connection, which has been great. We bought an internet prepay toggle, but haven’t needed to use it much, although it has been good for looking up restaurants/accom whilst on the train.

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